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Friday, April 17, 2009


We all think we are pretty smart but when it comes to what is cool-leave it to the kids. Every time grandson Freddie comes to see us he will always make a detour first to see what is in the parking lot. If it meets with his approval he’ll race up the stairs with a huge smile on his face and instead of hello, how are you and all that he’ll simply say “can we please take this baby for a spin”.

It was most certainly the case with BMW’s 97 thousand dollar dream machine. It may become a museum piece as a result of European legislation but in the meantime it most definitely is a mechanical tour de force, the sort of car only very dedicated and talented engineers can create.

For a start it has a 5 liter V10 engine with an 8,250-rpm red line. It also has a button to increase power from 400 to 500 horsepower, something I’ve never come across before. Pretty amazing if you think about it.

Did I hit 155 miles per hour? Alas, no. Marin County may be beautiful and friendly most of the time but when it comes to driving at over 100 miles per hour the jail beckons. Were Freddie and I naughty? Of course, but just once.

Some desperately boring young man in a tuned Toyota (of all things!) wanted a drag race from the lights. Well, he got somewhat more than he asked for. I hit the power button for the extra 100 horses, watched the lights change and boooom! We were off. 1st, second, 3rd before I lifted off in order not to get a ticket and b. to look for the hero in the Toyota. He was so far behind we needed binoculars to catch sight of him. Imagine going through all 7 (!) gears at 7000rpm all the way to 155 miles per hour!

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